How to Repair TearDrop Shaped Roller Shades

Ali Sher solangi
2 min readMar 14, 2023

Roller shades are a great way to control the amount of light in a room, as well as add a decorative touch to any window. But when your tear to fit roller shades suffer from a tear or break, you may be left wondering how you can repair them. Fortunately, it is possible to repair tear-shaped roller shades, even without specialized tools or materials. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you begin, make sure you have the right materials on hand. You will need a pair of scissors, a ruler, fabric glue, a piece of fabric the same color and size as your shade, and a piece of scrap cardboard.

Step 2: Measure and Cut the Patch

Once you have everything, measure the tear and cut a patch of fabric to fit the size of the tear. Make sure the patch is slightly larger than the tear, as this will make it easier to work with.

Step 3: Place the Patch

Once you have cut the patch, lay it over the tear and use the ruler and scissors to trim any excess fabric. Then, place a piece of cardboard underneath the tear and carefully spread the glue over the patch.

Step 4: Press the Patch

Once the patch is in place, press down firmly with your hands to ensure that it adheres to the roller shade. Make sure to press around the edges of the patch to make sure the glue sticks.

Step 5: Let it Dry

Once the patch is in place, let it dry for at least 24 hours before using the roller shade. This will ensure that the patch is firmly attached and won’t come off.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Repaired Roller Shade

Once the patch is dry, you can enjoy your repaired roller shade. You may even find that it looks better than before, as the patch will add a unique design element to your window treatment. By following these simple steps, you can easily repair tear-shaped roller shades. With a few basic tools and materials, you can make your tear to fit roller shades look as good as new, and enjoy them for many years to come.

