The Best Pull Up Assist Band On The Market – In Review

The Best Pull Up Assist Band On The Market – In Review

Ruby Psuik
pull up assist band

A pull up assist band is an incredibly useful piece of equipment for bodyweight strength training. It provides resistance to your pull ups, chin ups, and other exercises, allowing you to build strength and improve technique. With so many different pull up assist bands on the market, it can be difficult to determine which is best for your needs. In this article, we review the best pull up assist bands on the market and provide some tips for finding the right one for you.

Types of Pull Up Assist Bands

There are two main types of pull up assist bands: looped bands and resistance bands. Looped bands are shorter and thicker, and are typically made of rubber or latex. They are used to provide resistance on pull ups, chin ups, and other exercises. Resistance bands are longer and thinner, and are usually made of nylon or rubber. They can be used for a variety of exercises, including pull ups, chin ups, and squats.

Benefits of Using Pull Up Assist Bands

Using a pull up assist band can provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased strength: Pull up assist bands provide resistance, allowing you to perform more challenging exercises with increased intensity.
  • Improved technique: Pull up assist bands help to reinforce correct technique and form, making it easier to perform exercises correctly.
  • Versatility: Pull up assist bands can be used for a variety of exercises, including pull ups, chin ups, and even squats.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Pull Up Assist Band

When choosing a pull up assist band, there are a few things to consider:

  • Size: Pull up assist bands come in a variety of sizes and lengths. Make sure to choose one that is appropriate for your height and strength level.
  • Material: Make sure to choose a band that is made of durable material, such as rubber or nylon.
  • Price: Pull up assist bands can range in price from cheap to expensive. Consider your budget when choosing a band.

The Best Pull Up Assist Bands On The Market

Here are some of the best pull up assist bands on the market:

  • Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands: Made of high-quality latex, these bands are durable and come in five different resistance levels.
  • Black Mountain Products Resistance Bands: These bands are made of professional quality rubber and come with a lifetime warranty.
  • Bodylastics Resistance Bands: These bands are made of heavy-duty rubber and come with a 30-day money back guarantee.


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